SAP Solution Extensions
Streamline processes throughout the Digital Factory
It doesn’t matter which SAP system version you’re using, nor whether your solution is on-premise or in the cloud. Adjust its environment to meet your current needs. Rely on our nearly twenty years of experience in optimising SAP solution utilisation, along with the know-how we’re eager to share with you.

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How will our solution help you?

Our solution is a MOM (Manufacturing Operations Management) solution and thus covers and supports all of an operation’s key processes. That makes it easy for you to achieve synergy between your logistics, manufacturing and shipping, including the connection to EDI.
Our SAP system superstructure lets you manage enterprise logistics within SAP solution, from receipt out to shipping. It also supports you when you’re managing intra-company material flows, integrating automation technologies and arranging traceability.
This solution helps with production planning and management, and it takes care of collecting production-facility data and OEE. It monitors and registers current status throughout every phase of production. You get a comprehensive overview that uncovers bottleneck sites and processes.
Just-in-time and Just-in-sequence shipping bring their own unique challenges. Our solution supports shipping in the special world of supplying for automotive, including EDI, and can handle every customer demand.
Our SAP system extension lets you collect data and work with a wide range of management processes during quality control. Standard system objects and features are connected to make your work easier. You can even use this solution on mobile devices.
A system for the future
The original solution
Sappy is a system of process templates verified by almost 20 years of practice. Over 50 Aimtec customers worldwide use it to configure and sustainably develop their internal corporate SAP systems in line with their way of doing business and the needs of individual branches.
It’s a solution that supports users with older versions of SAP – even during a transition to SAP S/4HANA.
The New Generation
Aimtec SCIx
Aimtec SCIx starts from and builds upon the benefits of Sappy. It uses a modern SAP Fiori user interface, and since it’s optimised for mobile, it supports process digitalisation right on the shop floor.
This solution’s configurability gives you independence and the power to flexibly adapt the system to your physical processes. Its compatibility with all of the available SAP system variants enables you to fully harness the potential of this ERP.
Interested in the details?
Why Aimtec SCIx?
Work quickly and flawlessly
Aimtec SCIx makes your work with SAP system easier. It provides customised control ergonomics and a logical transaction layout to make your work quick and precise.
Have all your data in one place
You’ll have reliable data that’s concentrated in a single system. You’ll no longer need to integrate other solutions and keep data in multiple places – often causing data inconsistencies.
Develop your SAP system sustainably
Our configurable solution helps you organise your transactions into intertwined robust processes, and yet they are always at the level of standard SAP system features, with no need for development.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How should I get ready for the SAP S/4HANA transition?
Prepare your system for this change, and you’ll manage it with no trouble. It’s like with moving – our solution helps out like a system of boxes into which you sort and tidy away individual processes so that you won’t have to hunt for anything in the new system.
- What are the possibilities for customising SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition?
You can customise this version of the SAP solution using applications available within the SAP Store. The configurable Aimtec SCIx solution is now available on this platform as well.
- If we’re using the Sappy solution, how do we gain access to Aimtec SCIx?
Aimtec SCIx is an extension suitable for SAP S/4HANA. If you’re migrating to this ERP version, we’ll discuss changing among our solutions as well.
- How can I support automation at my company with a strong system?
Aimtec SCIx can integrate a variety of devices into a single functional whole without the need to hook in third-party software. Even when you’re automating, you can keep all your data in one place.
- Is it possible to meet our sites’ needs while maintaining the SAP standard?
We call this the corporate dilemma, and we have a clear answer for you. Aimtec SCIx works exclusively within the standard SAP system, it ensures easy configurability and it doesn’t litter a system with disjointed changes. This is a centralised system, but with the ability to configure local specifics for individual plants.
“No matter which SAP system version you choose for your company’s development, we’ll help you to set it up. Adapt your system to reality – not vice versa. Ensure your adaptation is final and sustainable, with perfectly documented changes.”

Martin Bezděk SAP Consultant

Other special features of Aimtec SCIx
- A planned, flexible and sustainable approach
Aimtec SCIx expands your SAP system, but it doesn’t burden it with random rough cuts into the standard.
- A configurable building-block system
The entire solution can be customised again and again for your evolving needs.
- SAP and EDI solutions under one roof
At Aimtec we understand both of these sets of needs and can handle them both for you.
- An environment prepared for the future
Naturally it’s compatible with UI5-FIORI and ready for SAP S/4HANA Cloud Edition.
nového SAP řešení
Pokud plánujete nasazení zcela nového SAP řešení, pomůžeme vám s jeho uzpůsobením specifickému prostředí automotive a diskrétní výroby.
Nasazení nového páteřního systému SAP S4/HANA tak bude jednodušší, rychlejší, a to i v případě implementace řešení do dalších závodů.
Deployment of a new SAP solution
If you’re planning to deploy a new SAP solution, we’ll help you to fine-tune it for the special environment of automotive and discrete manufacturing.
This makes the introduction of a new SAP S4/ HANA backbone system simpler and faster – even in cases where the solution is being deployed to other plants.
Partnership with SAP ČR
Aimtec has been cultivating its partnership with SAP since 2005. We’re part of the SAP PartnerEdge partner ecosystem, with Value-Added Reseller (VAR) and SAP Build Partnership certifications.
We’re working with SAP on the development of industry cloud solutions.

Case study
A warehouse logic transformation greatly raised capacity
Partial warehouse automation covered a large part of Fehrer’s processes with modern warehouse technologies controlled automatically over SAP system, enabling the plant to meet its needs for further development.

Have you chosen S/4HANA, Public Edition?
Secure your ERP system’s development with Aimtec SCIx – now also available as an application produced within SAP BTP.
Aimtec Insights
Get in touch
Want to learn more about Aimtec SCIx? Contact an Aimtec specialist. They’ll show you further solution specifications, including examples of specific deployments.
Filip Melichar Business Consultant SAP Solutions